Traditional Thai massage

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Thai massage is not the usual muscle mashing, but a combination of very precise and consciously targeted presses and stretches. To allow the masseur to make the best use of his or her body weight, the massage is performed on a mat, not a massage table, wearing comfortable special clothing.

This art of therapeutic healing has been handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years – which is why authentic Thai massage can only be experienced by masseurs from Thailand’s cultural and religious heritage. In the past, branches of this massage were also part of the curriculum for medical graduates, and to this day Thai massage goes hand in hand with traditional medicine.

Traditional Thai massage can be enjoyed either merely for its relaxing trait, or it can also be used as an alternative for physical and mental healing.

If you are interested to read more about traditional Thai massage, please click here

Monday – 10:30-18:00
Wednesday – Saturday 10:30-21:30
Sunday – 10:30-18:00
Tuesday – CLOSED
+372 680 6071 | +372 5645 7627
We are located in Tallinn Võrgu 10.